2008, the year of delayed MMORPGs came true!
Remember how I stated in here that Warhammer Online WILL be delayed again based on personal feelings?
Well, big surprise… here’s the confirmation of Warhammer Online being delayed again until fall 2008.
Addendum from Warhammer Online Newsletter-Subscription:
On the day we signed the agreement to license Warhammer from Games Workshop, I promised them that we would create a great and glorious game, a truly next-generation MMORPG. Today, I have news to report; we are going to delay the release of WAR until Fall 2008. While we do not expect this announcement to be met with fanfare and cheering crowds; the additional time will be spent hammering WAR into an even better game that it is today.
During the most recent phase of beta testing, two things have become clear. One was that our key innovations - Public Quests, Tome of Knowledge and Realm vs. Realm combat - were all coming along extremely well, as was the first stage of our innovative crafting system. The second, that the game would benefit from additional iteration time as well as adding a layer of polish or two. Fortunately, as part of Electronic Arts, we are able to do just that.
While I have no doubt that the community will experience a wide range of emotions over this decision, I urge you to remember one thing (and to keep the tar cold and the feathers on the birds), that our goal has never been to release a game by a certain date but to release a great Warhammer MMORPG. We have not wavered from this goal and with the full support of Games Workshop, GOA and Electronic Arts we intend to release a glorious next-generation MMORPG.
As always, I thank the community for its support, patronage and its patience.
Mark Jacobs
VP, GM EA Mythic
Let’s see that leaves… Age of Conan to be delayed again, World of Arenacraft (Sorry, I meant Warcraft, my mistake): The Wrath of the Lichking to be announced. Anything big or at least highly anticipated MMOS I’m missing for this year?
Now is the time to say this, I TOLD YOU SO!
Be seeing you all, Don Salva