Braid - A lovely jump 'n' run puzzle adventure!
Just thought I’d share great indie game with you. Braid is the name, a lovely jump ’n’ run puzzle adventure. This game was released in August 2006 on XBox Live Arcade, but just recently, on April 10th 2009, came to the PC platform.
It’s played by solving physical puzzles in a platform game environment much similar to that of Super Mario Bros. . Tim the Protagonist runs, jumps and climbs across the game’s level while avoid being touched by plants, enemies and whatnot. Just like in Super Mario Bros. .
One of the unique game feature is the unlimited ability to control and manipulate time. Tim can reverse time and in essence go back where he just was moments ago. A great feature if you just got killed by an enemy; simply reverse the time and continue from there on again.
The game world is divided into 7 smaller worlds with an extra, what you may call, overworld in form of Tim’s house. The various worlds are entered through doors from Tim’s house.
What’s much more fascinating are the graphics. Although it’s only 2D, the graphics are simply amazing. And the music, don’t get me started on it. Perfect composition between graphics, music and levels. Which is why Braid got such high review scores!
The PC version of Braid comes with another great extra: an Editor! Players can create whole custom worlds for others to play in.
It truly is a great game for the occasional play session. Give it a try!
I made a short gameplay clip from World 2: