The Kaputniks

Must-Have High-Res Texture Packs for Fallout 3

fallout3With my system (specs are at the end) I usually play games on 1920 x 1200 with 16xAF and 0xAA (ocassionally 2xAA). Now I love Fallout 3, take my blog name and think :).

I usually use High Resolution Textures Mods ranging from 1024x1024 quality upwards to 4096x4096. But bear in mind, higher resolution textures means more graphic card RAM and generally a powerful PC is necessary. If you aren’t sure if your PC can handle it don’t install every texture pack at once. Install one, test one, install the next one, test the next one, etc.

So far I’ve come across this packs I really think will up your quality a lot.

  1. Hi-Res Weapons or 4Aces HiRes Weapons, the name says it all. A lot of weapons textures will now be in higher resolution.
  2. Terrain pack and the addon Terrain pack Rocks. Terrain, the most important part of Fallout 3. You’ll spend a lot of your time outside.
  3. Rivet City Texture pack, the City Rivet will now look much more detailed!
  4. Megaton Texture pack or Megaton Re-Done Texture pack, enjoy Megaton in a much higher detail.
  5. 4Aces HiRes Armor, all armor is higher detail.
  6. High Definition Texture Pack or 4Aces HiRes Pack (Textures and Meshes), then there’s the random HD pack. Some other textures you’ll want to have. If you are asked to overwrite, decline. Only copy the new textures or overwrite smaller files with bigger files. It usually means the bigger file is the better quality.

To use custom made textures and mods, you need to Invalidate. Which is why you’ll need ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated .

With those six Packs you’ll up the quality of your Fallout 3 by a lot! Now there are a lot of other small hi-res textures for all sort of stuff. For example for Vault Doors, Historical Documents, Skill Books and much, much more.

Just look for “hi-res Fallout 3” on or Fallout 3 Nexus and you’ll be baffled.

My system specs are: CPU: E6600 @ 3GHZ, 9x333 | MoBo: P5B Deluxe/WiFi-AP | RAM: 4GB A-Data Vitesta Ext. Edt. 800Mhz@833 | GPU: PowerColor HD4870 1GB

Enjoy your Fallout 3 in much more detail, Don Salva.

PS: Check out this screenshots galleries Fallout 3 & Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage.

PPS: Get the HiRes Texture Packs for all the DLC’s too

Addendum 17.05.2010:
Like a lot of people who have large amount of mods, especially texture mods, I’ve experienced frequent crashes to desktop. This is due the fact that Fallout 3 is a 32Bit game and is programmed in such a way to make use of maximum 2GB of RAM. If you have, say 4GB RAM or more, Fallout 3 makes no use of it.

Fear not, there has been a solution since last year which I completely missed up until a few months ago. Large Address Aware Enabler for FO3 or FO3 RAM Boost. Either one works and reduces the crashes to almost a nonexistence.