The Kaputniks

Remove driver leftovers with Driver Sweeper!

Delete Leftovers with Driver Sweeper!

A long time ago I had DriverCleaner, a tool to remove certain driver leftovers! Lately I’ve had to battle with some odd issues about my graphic card driver leftovers. They just won’t delete. I wanted a clean de-installation because some games started to act up.

So I set out to look for a modern and up-to-date (and possibly free!) alternative to DriverCleaner and I came across Guru 3D’s Driver Sweeper. I recommend this application! It’s up-to-date (latest 23.07.2009) and deletes everything (as far as I can see, it resolved my issues at least).

Drive Sweeper deletes ATI (Display), NVIDIA (Display and Chipset), Ageia (PhysX), Creative (Sound), MMouse (whatever that is) and Realtek (Sound) drivers. I wanted it to delete my ATI driver leftovers.

According to Guru3D it also runs on any modern Windows system including Win7:

System requirements: The Guru3D - Driver Sweeper is fully tested on Windows 2000, XP, Vista and Windows & 7 RC. Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions are supported.

The absolutely best and sure way to delete anything is first to uninstall it via its official Uninstaller, then reboot your system into Safe Mode and fire up Driver Sweeper. Skiping Safe Mode also works but some files might not get deleted in the process.