The Kaputniks

The Hillbillies invade Fallout 3 - "Point Lookout" HD gameplay clips!

Fallout 3 4th DLC: Point Lookout

As you can probably imagine I’m currently playing the 3rd new DLC, “Point Lookout”. It’s Bethesda’s 4th one and many more may come (I guess I was wrong, 5 is enough!).

Point Lookout takes you to an isolated island, it is Fallout 3’s equivalent of Point Lookout State Park. An amusement park, with a huge carousel surrounded by a damp swamp and an old lighthouse overlooking it. It gives off an eerie feeling.

And the bonus: remember the Pint-Sized Slasher? Perhaps Point Lookout, Maryland is where the Slasher originated.

The whole DLC is somewhat horror / thriller themed. The nuclear bombs did not fall on Point Lookout, but the island was simply forgotten and left to its own resources.

New monsters are present, the Swampfolk, inbreed hillbillies with hostile attitude toward the player, such as Trackers, Creepers/Scrappers and Brawlers/Bruisers. Even a swamp variant of ghouls and mirelurks. Oh, and a new set of humans too, the Tribals.

Of course new quest-able perks are added, although nothing huge, still funny to have and weapons such as double barrel shotguns, axes and shovels.

Because so many Confederates died during the American Civil War on Point Lookout, you’ll find Confederate Hats by the thousands.

All in all, I can only recommend this DLC! The 5th DLC “Mothership Zeta” is coming in July August, and will supposedly involve the crashed alien ship and not so friendly extraterrestrials.

Gameplay clips: The Local Flavor (Calvert’s Mansion): Part 1/2, Part 2/2 Exploding Calvert Mansion