The Kaputniks

Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. HD gameplay clips!

Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X.H.A.W.X. is out! Folks are playing it and the game is getting mixed reviews!

Folks who are die hard fans of simulators a la IL2-Sturmovik or similar ones WILL be disappointed by HAWX if they hope to get a modern substitute for their good ol’ simulator.

Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X. is by no means a flight simulator game. It is an arcade flight simulator. Emphasis on ARCADE. The whole game is made so easy with its arcade elements it’s ridiculous.

Still the game offers a great deal of fun if you like the occasional dogfights against your friends or if you want a quick co-op session.

Get it if you can’t be bothered with it being an arcade flight simulator; ditch it if you are a die hard realism flight simulator fan!

I play it too and got you a few game-play clips:

All flyable planes Overview Part 1 of 2 All flyable planes Overview Part 2 of 2

Operation Adder Part 1 of 2 Operation Adder Part 2 of 2

Operation Backfire Part 1 of 2 Operation Backfire Part 2 of 2

PS: Screenshots are up on the gallery!