Warhammer Online to be released...trimmed!
Recently there’s been a lot of rumors regarding some existing and some in-development games.
One of them was Warhammer Online, sadly I have no quotes nor links to these rumors regarding Warhammer Online. I forgot to write them down. Please forgive me as I’m only a human being and make mistakes too.
Nevertheless one rumor in particular came to be true. Content is being cut from the current Warhammer Online in beta status. And will not be there upon launch of Warhammer Online.
What I’m talking about are 4 classes and 4 cities. The classes (and their capital cities!) being removed are as following
- Choppa (Greenskin)
- Hammerer (Dwarf)
- Blackguard (Dark Elf)
- Knight of the Blazing Sun (Empire)
This means the removal of 2 tank and 2 dps classes. Regarding this, Jacobs said:
“I wish we didn’t have to do it,” Mark said, “I really do. Unlike the capital cities [which provided a silver lining in the end], I can honestly say that I really wish we didn’t have to cut them out, but it’s better for them to be cut out than to have classes that aren’t great and that we would spend more time trying to make them great post-launch than we should have to.”
Here’s another quote from the interview conducted with Mark Jacobs:
In the end, the team felt that adding careers into the game that weren’t up to their standards would have hurt not only the game and the company, but the players as well.
As for the capital cities. The original plan was that each faction would have it own capital city, with the removal of 4 capital city there will only be 2 namely Altdorf (Empire) and Inevitable City (Chaos).
Oh yea, I forgot to mention Mystic will be working close together with Punkbuster. Yep, you read it right, PUNKBUSTER, the anti-cheat tool.
Read the whole interview with Mark Jabobs on MMORPG.com!
I knew something like that (not exactly THIS, but at least to some degree content would be cut!) would happen.
Now how did I knew it? If you followed the development of Warhammer Online, you’d get the feeling the developers of Warhammer Online are way, way too anal. The last 2 postponement were argued with needing more time to polish the game, make it better, make it greater.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for a perfect game at launch! But the sad part about it is all those delays, all those postponements, all those promises to make a great game, in the end they HAD to cut content they promised and delayed 2 times upon.
Still, I personally will keep an eye on Warhammer Online. Just because they cut content doesn’t make it bad!
So long, Don Salva